Tuesday, 1 March 2011

New to knitting...

OK, so here I am, starting a knitting blog before I've actually started knitting!  The reason for this is simple; whilst I have an old bag of eyelash wool lurking in the cupboard, I don't yet have any needles!

Actually, the main reason I haven't started yet is because the impetus to knit came from being suckered into subscribing to a step-by-step knitting magazine that has been advertised on TV recently.  Two weeks later, and I am still anxiously awaiting my first issue...

The magazine in question is called The Art of Knitting, and is published weekly (but apparently delivered 4 issues at a time).  It promises to teach you to knit, step by step, primarily through knitting little squares, that you eventually sew together to make a patchwork throw.  They supply the yarn, needles and whatever else is required to complete the throw.

Sounds good, although someone on a forum pointed out that it will cost me in the region of £270+ to make said throw.  But that's not the point, is it?  Otherwise why would anyone knit, when they could just go out and buy things?

I'm doing it because I need a hobby.  I need a hobby because I've suffered from M.E. since March 2000, and therefore spend most of my life stuck indoors, on the sofa or in bed.  Hence the name of my blog...

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